Alistair Wood
Advanced Aero Design at Bombardier
CAPRI CAE Gateway eliminates many of the traditional steps and hurdles in preprocessing CAD models. CAD data can have gaps and loose tolerances which may require tedious manual intervention to correct. Import using CAPRI CAE Gateway is guaranteed to be “watertight” for valid solids. This means there are no “gaps” in the representation which can stall the preprocessing.
CAPRI CAE Gateway does not translate the CAD model, which ensures accuracy for simulation and associativity with the CAD topology which is crucial for updating boundary conditions and simulation attributes during an iterative design process.
CAPRI CAE Gateway is being successfully used with a wide range of meshing algorithms ranging from specialized structured block, chimera overset, cartesian to fully unstructured meshes.
“Our partnership with CADNexus was productive and efficient; we managed to find solutions to every major problem that we faced along the way.”
Advanced Aero Design at Bombardier
“Our optimization results were very succesful using CAPRI CAE Gateway and ModeFrontier. We generated 350 CAD designs and were able select the optimal design for our motorcycle. Your software CAPRI worked correctly !”
UPM-Motostudent Team
“Previously, if we received CAD geometry, it first had to be converted into a format acceptable for Chimera Grid Tools to read, i.e., unstructured surface triangulation or structured abutting patches. This process has always been very tedious and labor intensive (using commercial grid generation software), and could take days or weeks.”
“The capability to ‘read’ in CAD geometry directly into OVERGRID and then perform surface grid generation on the CAD, was simply not available until we had the CADNexus CAPRI CAE Gateway integration.”
“CAPRI is a very easy environment to use for CAD integration, and within a short amount of time we incorporated direct CAD model access in our grid generation system.”
ERC SimCenter
“From my experience, CAPRI CAE Gateway is a unique software primarily because of its direct connection to CAD and overall robustness. I can use an in-house geometry manipulation and triangulation tool, but I find that the time to take something out of CAD and put the final design back into CAD is prohibitive. We have performed over 10,000 automated CFD design iterations using CAPRI for CAD integration, with parametric update and surface wrapping reliability exceeding 99.98%.”
NASA Ames Research Center
“Typically our research requires access to a range of geometric and topological information which can sometimes be difficult to access (and manipulate) using traditional CAD methods. The CAPRI CAE Gateway provides a neutral platform to enable us to easily access this information for a number of CAD systems.”
Queens University Belfast
“The CADNexus CAPRI CAE Gateway provides a means of enabling an associative link between our CAD and CAE environments, which is an important part of our PLM strategy.”
Analytical Lead – PLM Group, Pratt & Whitney Canada
“The CAPRI CAE Gateway software from CADNexus is proving to be of great value in moving a geometry quickly and accurately from a CAD model to the start of the CFD analysis process u sing OVERFLOW.”
CFD-Advanced Design, Hawker Beechcraft Corporation
“We have been experiencing the use of the CAPRI as a gateway to native CAD models for our multidisciplinary optimization system. CAPRI CAE Gateway is really a breakthrough in CAD model management, the first tool with a seamless interface to all major CAD packages. As a player in the Aeronautics business, CAPRI CAE Gateway provides us with direct interface to parametrized parts, it enables to directly optimize the part in its native format and provide the customer with a final optimized shape without any artificial CAD translation.”
General Manager, CENAERO
“CAPRI CAE Gateway proved to be invaluable in our development of a CAD-based geometry control system for aerodynamic optimization. CAPRI simplified the integration with CatiaV5, so that the geometry could be manipulated directly within the CAD environment for design optimzation.”
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies